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The following five sentences form a paragraph. The first and last sentences are given. Choose the order in which the three sentences (PQR) should appear to complete the paragraph.
S1: A family had a very faithful dog.
S2: _________________________
S3: _________________________
S4: _________________________
S5: The master patted the dog lovingly
P: Once a massive fire broke out in the house
Q: The dog burnt himself but brought the child out of the house
R: Everyone ran out but a small child was left in the house

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 453.3k
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Hint: The above-given paragraph expresses the story of a family who had a faithful dog.

Complete step-by-step answer:

 As given in the hint, we can understand that there was a faithful dog who was patted by the master at the end of the paragraph.
Now, let’s look at the given options to complete the paragraph:
A)PQR- The given sentences express an illogical meaning. Q part and R part should be interchanged. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
B)PRQ- The given sentences produce a logical meaning, as it creates a justified story. Hence, it is the correct option.
C)QRP- The sentence formation of the given option is inappropriate and produces an incomplete meaning. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
D)RPQ- The composition of the given option is illogical. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
The correct answer is Option ‘b’.

Note: Try to understand the topic or the story explained in the paragraph. Thereafter, eliminate the options that provide an illogical meaning.