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Develop a short story, within 100 words, from the given outline. Suggest a suitable title of the story. Write the moral of the story.

A boy used to cry for new costly shoes—poor father—factory worker—meagre salary—couldn’t afford—the boy cried a lot—left home—saw a beggar at the bus stop—he had no legs—realization happened—thanked God for giving him two legs—realized the love and care of his parents.

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
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Hint: Short stories are compact enough to put forward a story with a meaning to be conveyed. Most of the time, situations in the story are not written in detail. Short stories have a title, a body and can be followed by a moral. Decide the words and phrases to use before you start.

Complete answer : Title: Insight through experience than words

In a town, there lived a boy, innocent and unaware of his life and his blessings. He always created tantrums to buy a pair of costly shoes that he had seen in the shop the other day. His parents, being factory workers, couldn’t afford such luxuries with the little salary they got. The child eventually left home. Wandering, he saw a man begging for money; he was wearing torn clothes, dragging his body, since he had no legs. The boy realized how blessed he was and expressed his gratitude to God for giving him such loving and caring parents.

Moral of the story: The grass is always greener on the other side. We are always unaware of the blessings we have.

Note: The conjunctions will help to correlate two ideas given, for instance, “how blessed he was and expressed”. Giving an appropriate title tells the user as to what the writer wants to convey; it should be neither too long nor too short. Similar to parables and stories related to proverbs, a moral is important to put forward a take-home concept; such a method is effective in teaching people of all ages.