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NSEB Syllabus for Exam 2024-25


NSEB Exam 2024-25 Syllabus in Detail: Check Website

NSEB, or National Standard Examination in Biology. The Association of Teachers in Biological Science (ATBS), the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), and the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education together conduct NSEB each year (HBCSE).

Students who are interested in taking this test should be aware that 30,000 or so students register for the NSEB Olympiad. There are multiple-choice questions on the test. Just INR 150 is required to register for the NSEB examination. Students who achieve a high score will automatically be entitled to compete in the International Biology Olympiad (IBO).


NSEB 2024-25 Tentative Examination Dates



NSEB tentative exam date


Eligibility Criteria for NSB

Eligibility criteria for NSEB is decided by IAPT as they conduct the examination. Given below are the eligibility criteria to be fulfilled by the students, who want to participate in the examination:

  • A candidate must be studying in an Indian school under a recognised school board.

  • The date of birth of the candidate intending to appear for the NSEB 2024-25 exam must be between July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2010 (both days inclusive).

  • The candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian Passport, basically proof of residing in India to be eligible for the exam. 

  • Students should not have attempted their 2024-25 12th board exams before 30th November 2023. 

  • Students should have not applied for or appeared in any other NSE scholarship examination for that year if they intend to appear for the NSEB examination.

Students applying for NSEB should keep in mind that they will have to pass every eligibility criteria to appear for the NSEB examination. Students who fail to meet even one of the eligibility criterias will not be allowed to appear in the examination. 

Syllabus for NSEB 

The NCERT Biology textbook, which is a component of the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) curriculum, will serve as the foundation for the majority of the NSEB curriculum. Every facet of biology will be covered in the curriculum to give pupils the complete preparation they need for other national level entrance tests. After finishing the NSEB syllabus, students are advised to tackle prior year's questions.

Students will be able to gain more in-depth knowledge in the subject. Vedantu helps students in understanding the syllabus and covering it in a detailed manner by providing important chapter-wise notes, sample papers and previous years papers. Following is the syllabus of NSEB in detail. Take a look.



Topics Included


Diversity Of Living

  • The Living World

  • Biological Classification

  • Plant Kingdom

  • Animal Kingdom


Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

  • Morphology and anatomy of Flowering Plants

  • Structural Organisation in Animals


Cell: Structure and Function

  • Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life

  • Biomolecules

  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division


Plant Physiology

  • Transport In Plants

  • Mineral Nutrition

  • Photosynthesis and Respiration in Higher Plants

  • Plant - Growth and Development


Human Physiology

  • Digestion & Absorption

  • Breathing & Exchange Of Gas

  • Body Fluids and Circulation

  • Excretory Products and Their Elimination

  • Locomotion and Movement

  • Neural Control and Coordination

  • Chemical Coordination and Integration


Reproduction In Organisms

  • Types, modes, and the process of reproduction

  • Asexual reproduction 

  • Sexual reproduction

  • Pre-fertilization events 

  • Fertilisation and post-fertilization events


Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

  • Flower Structure

  • Morphology Of Flower

  • The process of sexual reproduction in flowering plants.

  • Development of male and female gametophytes

  • Pollination

  • Double fertilisation

  • Post fertilisation Events-Development of endosperm and embryo

  • Development and significance of seed and formation of fruit


Human Reproduction

  • Male and female reproductive systems

  • Microscopic diagram elaborating anatomy of testis and ovary

  • Gametogenesis − Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis

  • Menstrual cycle

  • Fertilisation, implantation pregnancy, and placenta formation 

  • Parturition and Lactation


Reproductive Health

  • The need for reproductive health 

  • Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

  • Birth control − need and methods, contraception, Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)

  • Amniocentesis

  • Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies


Principles Of Inheritance And Variation

  • Covers the topics of Genetics and Evolution

  • Similarity and variation between the parents and offspring 

  • Mendel”s law of inheritance 

  • Sex determination

  • Mutations genetic disorders 


Molecular Basis of Inheritance

  • DNA as genetic material

  • Structure of DNA and RNA

  • DNA- packaging, replication, fingerprinting

  • Central dogma, Transcription, genetic code, translation

  • Gene expression and regulation − Lac Operon

  • Genome and human genome project 



  • Darwin's contribution

  • Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution

  • Mechanism of evolution − Variation, Natural Selection and types of natural selection

  • Gene flow and genetic drift

  • Hardy - Weinberg's principle

  • Adaptive Radiation


Human Health And Diseases

  • Maintenance of optimum health, 

  • Diseases- types, treatment, and prevention

  • Immunity and its types 

  • Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse


Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

  • Improvement in food production techniques 

  • Plant breeding, Tissue culture, 

  • Single-cell protein,

  • Biofortification, Apiculture, 

  • Animal husbandry 


Microbes in Human Welfare

  • In household food processing and industrial production

  • Sewage treatment

  • Energy generation 

  • Biofertilizers

  • Antibiotics-  Production and judicious use


Biotechnology - Principles and Processes

  • Principles and processes involved in biotechnology like genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology).

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Biotechnology and Its Applications

  • The application processes of Biotechnology in health and agriculture 


Organisms and Populations

  • Organisms and environment- Habitat, Niche, Population and Ecological adaptations

  • Population interactions- Mutualism, Competition, Predation, Parasitism

  • Population attributes



  • Ecological Patterns, components, productivity, decomposition

  • Energy flow in the ecosystem 

  • Pyramids of number, biomass, energy

  • Carbon and Phosphorous Nutrient cycles

  • Ecological succession and services

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Biodiversity And Its Conservation

  • Concept, Patterns, Importance, and loss  of biodiversity

  • Biodiversity conservation ways 


Environmental Issues

  • Air and water pollution and its control methods 

  • Agrochemicals and their effects

  • Solid waste management

  • Radioactive waste management

  • Greenhouse effect and climate change 

  • Ozone layer depletion

  • Deforestation

NSEB Examination Pattern 

Students must understand the exam format in addition to perform well on the test. The NSEB examination format is simple to comprehend and will aid in effective preparation.

Total Number of Questions need to be attempted by students

80 question for 240 marks

Types of Question 

Multiple-choice Question (MCQs)

Core language/ Medium of Paper

English/Hindi (To have opted during registration)


Based on CBSE

Exam time

2 hours

Marking of question

3 marks for correct answer

-1 deducted for wrong answer

 0 marks for no response

To prepare well for MCQ type questions, students can take help from the materials provided by Vedantu that are free of cost and can be accessible by the students with just one click.

Tips to Prepare and Score Well in NSEB

Students who are willing to participate in the NSEB examination will need more tips than just sticking to the syllabus. Students can refer to the following tips provided by the experts of Vedantu:

  • Exploring your past test-taking skills, successes, and disappointments learning about your weaknesses and strengths will help you a great deal in the preparation. 

  • Collect your study materials and refer to any new information regarding the biology topics that are likely to be covered in the examination.

  • Create a study plan and in the schedule set aside the time needed to complete each topic without overestimating your abilities, it is important to be realistic about your approach. 

  • Stick to your plan and start studying, do not play around with any sort of distractions. Once you stick to your schedule your self-confidence will be boosted.

  • Set a test date after studying and solving mock papers and time yourself and also refer to the sample papers and previous year question papers. 

  • Play to your strengths, that is, if any topic is your strong point, solve as many questions from it when asked in the question paper.

  • Update yourself continuously and revise the syllabus.


For many students, the biology portion of the National Standard Examination is challenging. But if you are well-prepared from the ground up, you can ace this test with the help of study materials.

At Vedantu, we provide free study materials for this exam, including interactive practice exams and past papers. Therefore, if you follow our advice and continue practising at the same time, getting ready for this exam will be straightforward.

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FAQs on NSEB Syllabus for Exam 2024-25

1. What qualifications must one meet in order to sit for the National Standard Examination in Biology?

Since the NSEB exam is primarily for higher secondary students, a student must be an Indian citizen and be in grade 12 or lower to take it. The candidate must not have completed their board exam as of November 2024 in order to meet another important qualifying requirement for NSEB 2024-25.

2. Which site should students check for the results of the NSEB Exam?

Students can visit a website for NSEB results on the IAPT’s official website,

3. Do NSEB exams have a scheme of  negative marking?

Yes, this scheme is present in like -1 for wrong answers, +3 for right answers and 0 if the question is not attempted.

4. How can Students apply to take the National Standard Examination in Biology?

All interested candidates must register through their schools or other authorised registration sites spread around the nation. The National Standard Examination in Biology registration form can only be completed by the Institutions and the registration centre in charge. It is necessary to pay the registration fee of 150 rupees for the NSEB 2024-25.

5. How can Vedantu help in NSEB?

Vedantu helps students academically by providing them with every study material required for preparation for any examination they will undertake. Scholars who want to participate in NSEB will have to have extended knowledge in the subject and for that, they will have to solve multiple sample papers, previous year questions and will also have to take mock tests regularly. Vedantu offers many materials free of cost including mock tests and other study materials. All of these can be easily accessed on Vedantu's website.