JEE Advanced Question Paper 2015 with Solutions for Paper-1 and Paper-2
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2015 Question Paper with Answer Keys & Solutions
1. Is the answer key of Paper - 1 and Paper - 2 of JEE Advanced 2015 Question Paper available on the internet?
The answer key of Paper - 1 and Paper - 2 of JEE Advanced 2015 Question Paper is available on Vedantu. This answer key is available for all three subjects which are Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Students can find this solution key on the official website of Vedantu. From there, they can download the answer key in the form of a PDF file by hitting the option of 'Download PDF'. With the help of it, students can check how many questions they have attempted incorrectly and correctly and can calculate their final score.
You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.
2. What changes have been made in the JEE Advanced 2021?
The changes have been introduced in the JEE Advanced 2021. These changes are mentioned below:
The number of people qualifying for the JEE Advanced examination is 2.50 lakh.
Apart from the country India, the JEE examination will be conducted in 5 different foreign countries.
The application fees have been decreased for the foreign aspirants while it has increased for Indian candidates.
Descriptive type questions will be asked in the examination.
There is an increment of 3% (17% to 20%) in the supplementary seats for female candidates.
3. What amount does a student have to pay for the JEE Advanced examination?
A student can do the online payment or the fees can be paid through challan. The details about the application fees are as follows:
1. For Indian Candidates
The female candidates of all the categories have to pay an amount of Rs 1400.
The SC, ST and PWD aspirants have to pay Rs 1400.
The amount that others have to pay is Rs 2800.
2. For Foreign Candidates
The students belonging from SAARC countries have to pay USD 75.
The amount that the candidates of Non-SAARC countries have to pay is USD 150.
4. What ranking rules are followed if two students score the same marks?
Following are the criteria for assigning ranks to the students having the same score:
A higher rank is awarded to those students having higher positive marks.
The candidate who has scored maximum marks in the Mathematics section will be given a higher rank.
If students obtain the same marks in the Mathematics section, then the marks scored in the Physics section are considered.
If the marks obtained in the Physics section are also the same, then the same rank is assigned to the students.
5. On what factors does the JEE Advanced cutoff depend?
Cutoff marks are the minimum marks that a student requires to get a seat in college or a job. The factors on which the JEE Advanced cutoff depends are mentioned below:
The trends in previous years' cutoffs.
The total number of aspirants.
The level of difficulty of the exam.
Performance of the candidate in the exam.
The number of seats available for admission.
If the students obtain marks more than the cutoff marks, then there may be chances that they get admission in the colleges.