What Is The Importance Of Yoga In Our Life?
The perfect synchronization between the mind and body through spiritual discipline is known as Yoga. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means to ‘join’, ‘yoke’ or ‘unite’. Basically, yoga is the merging of universal consciousness with individual consciousness.
From the onset of human civilization, yoga has been in practice. The importance of yoga has been well known to the people since thousands of years ago, contemporary to Indus valley civilization, Vedic and Upanishadic heritage. Yoga has been in culture long before the first religion or belief system was established.
Yoga has a very important role to play in our life. It has a significant role in controlling our mind, body and soul, thus helping us achieve a peaceful body and mind. Apart from reducing stress and anxiety, yoga also helps in increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. Therefore, it can be said that yoga is an art and science of healthy living.
Thus, in this article, we will discuss the value of yoga in our life and the importance of yoga day, which is celebrated on 21st June every year.
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Yoga Education - Why is it important?
There is a misconception dwindling around the name and value of yoga in our life. It is that the art of yoga is limited to only Asanas and poses which are beneficial only to a physical level. Yoga is suitable and can be practised by people of all age groups. It requires no stunt skills and should be included in our daily routine if we want to seek a balance between our mind, body and soul. Therefore, it is equally important for people to know what is the importance of yoga in our life.
Traditionally, Yoga Education was imparted by knowledgeable, experienced, and wise persons in the families (comparable with the education imparted in convents in the west) and then by the Seers (Rishis/Munis/Acharyas) in Ashramas. Nowadays, Yoga Education has been through various widespread with the help of Yoga Institutions, colleges and even Yoga Universities. There are also separate Yoga Departments in the Universities and several Yoga Training Centers, Clinics and Yoga Research Centers are also established in the country.
Yoga education is important in our life as it helps us to learn the art of self-discipline and self-control. It also creates an immense amount of awareness, concentration and a higher level of consciousness in an individual. Thus, the importance of yoga education is huge and should not be ignored.
Briefly, the main objective of Yoga education is to help an individual in maintaining good health, mental hygiene and emotional stability. It also aims at integrating moral values and a higher level of consciousness within an individual.
What is International Yoga Day?
The International Day of Yoga is celebrated on June 21st every year. This day was internationally recognised on 11th December 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The idea of celebrating international yoga day was put forward on September 27, 2014, by our honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. He also proposed the date to be June 21 as it is known to be the longest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) and also holds a special significance in several parts of the world.
Therefore, on June 21, 2015, the first International Yoga Day was celebrated when around 35,985 people celebrated the day by performing 21 different yoga asanas in New Delhi. Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi along with other notable dignitaries from 84 nations also actively participated in this event.
The event gained huge recognition by entering the Guinness World Records as the largest yoga class that was ever conducted along with the active participation of 35,985 people. Moreover, this day was acknowledged globally and received popularity across the world.
Since then, 21st June is considered to be International Yoga Day and is celebrated globally. On this day, several yoga camps and events are organised at different places in India. Our honourable Prime Minister along with some notable personalities actively participates in this yoga campaigning to create awareness on yoga and its importance.
This day is celebrated not only in metropolitan cities but across the nation including small villages and towns. A large number of people actively participate in the events and enjoy them wholeheartedly. They all gather in parks and gardens to perform several yoga postures under the guidance of the trained instructors. The main objective of International Yoga Day is to inculcate the habit of asana among the people and help them in including yoga in their daily routine. It is believed that yoga is the best medicine for any disease and has the power to heal the entire body through consistent practice.
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Yoga and Its Importance In Points
Yoga and its significance are ubiquitous to various branches. Some of the major significance of yoga are mentioned below:
Yoga improves our health and provides mental and physical strength to our bodies. It also protects us from injury and detoxifies the body.
Kapal Bhati pranayama and sun salutation are highly beneficial for losing weight.
It is a great way to get rid of stress, as it relaxes both our body and mind, which is essential to calm a disturbed mind. It helps in establishing inner peace.
Yoga poses help to strengthen muscles and organs through breathing techniques and meditation.
Yoga keeps the mind aware of the present situation and improves concentration.
To keep a strong and flexible body posture it is very important for us to include Yoga in our daily routine.
Yoga plays an important role in boosting our energy level and keeps us fresh by removing all toxins from our bodies. It is also helpful in removing negative blocks from the mind.
It improves the function of the brain, lung capacity, sense of balance, lowers the blood pressure
Fundamentals of Yoga Sadhana
Yoga basically functions on the level of one’s body, mind, emotion and energy. This has emerged to four broad classifications of Yoga:
Karma Yoga, which is done by utilizing the body.
Bhakti Yoga, an art of yoga that utilizes our emotions.
Gyana Yoga, the yoga of our mind and intellect.
Kriya yoga, the art of yoga that is done by utilizing energy.
Yoga is thus an essential spiritual discipline that is based on extremely subtle science. It plays a major role in bringing harmony between mind and body. A lot of people globally have benefitted from the art of Yoga which has been maintained and taught by the great Yoga Masters since ancient times to this date. Hope this article helps you in understanding why yoga is important in our life and how inculcating it in our daily life will help us maintain a healthy lifestyle.
FAQs on Importance Of Yoga In Life
1. Why is it important for students to inculcate the habit of Yoga?
It is very essential for the students to inculcate the habit of doing Yoga every day. By doing so, they will be able to relax their body and mind, which ultimately will reduce stress and build confidence in them. Yoga also creates an immense amount of consciousness, concentration and patience in our body, which will help the students in controlling their emotions and deal with situations in a calm manner.
2. Who started the International Yoga Day?
The idea to observe International Yoga Day was first initiated by our honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. On 11th December 2014, this day was internationally recognised by the United Nations General Assembly when PM Modi proposed this idea during the opening of the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2015.