Essay on Discipline
The first and the most important lesson in life is getting disciplined. It is not tough if the lesson of discipline starts from the very childhood, but if it starts late it can be the toughest lesson to learn in life. To get perfect self-control one requires hard discipline and dedication. Good discipline can bring the best of ourselves and we can best serve society and will be up to the expectation of the people around us. To achieve success in life one needs to be disciplined right from the beginning. Only through discipline, we can stay focused on our goal in life. Discipline involves understanding the value of time, showing respect to humanity, and showing gratitude to nature. The first step towards success is discipline.
Being disciplined is one of the important and toughest lessons to learn in life. It requires the utmost dedication and hard work to practise self-control and conduct ourselves in a way that best serves the society and lives around us. Only when a person is disciplined, he or she is able to achieve success in life. Discipline plays a key role in keeping us focused.
There are different ways of practising discipline but the most important thing is to be consistent and value time. By practising a task consistently, by respecting humanity and nature and by valuing time, one can learn to walk in the right direction in life. This is the fundamental reason why successful people around the world preach the need for discipline.
Necessity of Discipline
When a person leads his life without any rule or discipline, his life tends to become dull and directionless. His lack of understanding of the need for discipline makes him lazy. This eventually makes him pessimistic. People such as this are unable to handle crises and often tend to create an irreparable amount of mess in their life. However, if you are not among these groups of people and want to achieve something in your life, you must focus on being disciplined. If you do not have a plan or strategy then first make a plan that suits your lifestyle and accordingly, set your routine.
Then next is implementing the plan in your day-to-day life. It is said that when an activity is done for 3 weeks straight then it automatically becomes a habit. Therefore, always try to incorporate positive changes into your routine and based on your plan, continue doing that for 21 days. It is expected that after 21 days the implemented activity will become a part of your life. A lot of people in the world are often bogged down by failures and do not tend to make any changes in their life towards positivity.
Being a disciplined person does not only help you to achieve your dreams but also makes you feel positive in and out. Studies show that disciplined people are more likely to find ways in which they can be happier and change their course of life than the undisciplined ones. Moreover, being disciplined makes a person calm and composed. This quality helps a person to overcome hurdles and to achieve success. They also create a significant impact on others' lives.
Forms of Discipline
It is important to mention that there are two forms of discipline- the first being the induced discipline and second, the self-discipline. The former is the kind of discipline that others teach us or we adapt by seeing others. While on the other hand, the later form of discipline is the one that comes from within. It is the tougher form of discipline as it requires patience, focus, and motivation from others.
The level of discipline a person achieves may vary depending on his willpower and living condition. Children and parents will have different views on discipline but they must incorporate it into their lives to have a positive influence on each other. Last but not the least, it is the discipline that helps an individual to evolve and become a better version of themselves.
FAQs on Discipline Essay: The Importance of Self-Control and Order
1. What is the necessity of Discipline in our lives?
Discipline makes a life successful and worth living. Without discipline the person becomes aimless and soon finds his life boring and directionless. A person without discipline cannot understand the value of punctuality and hence loses many opportunities in life and gradually gets pessimistic. They ultimately end up with a messy, useless life. Being punctual and consistent towards a perfect aim in life makes life livable. Discipline alone can bring you respect and love from each and everyone in society. It can bring you not only success but also peace in life. Discipline can make a person happy and content. It brings inner peace and calmness and this can help to overcome any hurdles in life.
2. How to learn discipline?
To learn discipline first try to follow the right approach every day for at least 21 days and soon that will become your habit. You don’t have to stress yourself over strict rules of discipline. Never stop inculcating positive habits in you. The sooner the best. Never let negative things rule you and try to stand up with perfect approach and discipline even after a great failure. To learn discipline one needs patience, dedication and motivation from others. Strong willpower can only make a person disciplined. You can learn more about discipline and importance by downloading PDF format from Vedantu website.
3. How can a disciplined person get happier than the undisciplined ones?
Only with discipline can a person evolve and make a better version of their lives. A disciplined person earns respect from society and love from all the people around. The disciplined person is calm and sober and so, draws the attention of everyone in the society and makes his path to success smoother than the undisciplined persons. Disciplined people have a perfect goal in their lives and they can cross the hurdles on the path of achieving the goals in a composed way thereby ultimately making their life worthy and happier. They never lose anything in life because of being punctual.
4. How to teach discipline to a child?
Discipline is a very delicate lesson that the parents and teachers can give or pass to a child. One should never be too strict to implicate discipline on a child. Rather they should be taught discipline gradually making them able to understand its importance in life. Children need to be rewarded every time they maintain discipline and follow the right approach to life. Parents and teachers should themselves follow discipline in front of children then only the children can follow it properly. Discipline should never be imposed on them but the advantages of discipline are what they should be able to understand right from early childhood.
5. What are the main disciplines to be followed?
The main disciplines to be followed in life are to discipline your:
Thoughts: You have to have control over your mind. If you are able to master your mind you have won half of your life's battle.
Goals: A proper goal in life and the right approach to achieve this can make your path of life smoother.
Environment: Try to love the environment and never fail to show gratitude towards nature.
Relationship: Maintain discipline in every relationship. Show respect to every relation irrespective of age and gender.
Friendship: Maintain discipline while doing friendship and never cross your limits in it.
Consumption: Consume that much you need. A disciplined eating habit can train your mind and body for a better and healthier life.
Desires: Put a limit on your desires. Maintain discipline in what you want and what you can
Addictions: Learn how to stay away from any form of addiction or otherwise all your other disciplines will get ruined in front of this addiction.
Progress: A consistent progress towards positivity is a much needed good discipline
Time: The most important discipline is punctuality. Time is the most valuable thing and never underestimate this in life or else you will end up losing many opportunities in life.
Inner Happiness: Find your inner happiness yourself with a positive approach and the right discipline.